April 03, 2011
iv studied them too and your missing something, the all seeing eye does not represent the trinity, im sure you found stuff that looked that way but you dont know how deep this rabbit hole goes. if you read the book written by the head of the free masons the grand master mason who dealt with masons and Illuminati in America and Britain, he says in that manual of masonry, “is Satan the light bringer” and its in there a few times, the point is a pyramid scheme, Satan’s first name was the morning star, the light bringer, the all seeing eye, do you see?? god doesn’t have pyramid schemes, the Egyptians and Mayans did, both worshiped paganism if not Ra the sun god , the fiery one, there is tons of evidence that masons/Illuminati, worship and ignorantly or knowledgeably work for his ends, NWO and the anti salvation. p.s. Madonna tried to be the anti mary, she fucked up lol.
Clearly, Pike's writings can cause mental and spiritual constipation. So take it with lots of water (not tap!!!)
Comment by Saul on November 6th, 2009 at 2:15 am
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