February 16, 2023
When outsiders talk about 33rd degree Freemasons they are oftentimes unknowingly referring to one of the two main branches of mainstream Freemasonry. This branch is called the Scottish Rite. Some consider it more esoteric compared to the other branch which is the York Rite.
The highest degree in Masonry, the so-called Sublime Degree is the 3rd Degree or Master Mason degree. The 33rd Degree is simply an honorary degree within the Scottish Rite.
The Scottish Rite was originally an obscure Masonic Rite in the mid-19th century to an international fraternity that it is now today. A controversial and influential figure, Albert Pike, is often credited as the man responsible for making the Scottish Rite well known within Masonic circles. Employing staged plays, they expand and continue the teachings derived from the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degrees of Freemasonry which is known as Blue Lodge or Craft Lodge. (Photo credit: Scottish Rite Northern Masonic Jurisdiction)
One has to be a Master Mason (3rd Degree) in order to join the Scottish Rite. The Lodge Master or the Secretary would usually know where to refer a Mason seeking admission to the Scottish Rite.
As of this writing, the Silver on Black Scottish Rite Necktie is available but in very limited quantities. It's made of high-quality natural silk that we personally select. Since it's Jacquard-woven, the fabric has a nice texture and produces a shiny ombré effect that shifts according to how the light hits it.
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