December 15, 2023
In the 🇵ðŸ‡, my birthplace, memories linger of a time before we all took a 'byte' out of the Forbidden Fruit of Knowledge, a.k.a. the Internet. Back then, the archetype of white surfer dudes with long blond hair and blue eyes seemed to ride the crest of the proverbial White Male Privilege wave. In those days, snake oil salesmen and enterprising faith healers would promise that they'd seen Jesus in person, describing him exactly as blond-haired and blue-eyed — now you're MESMERized... they then take your money away while showing compassion in their eyes (but laughing like a devil in the inside).
Rewind to the ghost of 300 years of European colonial rule, a chapter of Filipino history we often attribute to misconceptions about Jesus' appearance. Those colonizers brought not only their culture and beliefs but also an unintentional artistic interpretation of our beloved Jesus. I hesitate to lay blame; the European artists of the time likely had no blueprint for the real Jesus aesthetic. Consequently, the enduring image became one of a kind-looking, blond-haired, blue-eyed Jesus.
Yet, our evolving understanding, fueled by a knowledge surpassing our own (I'm talking AI), is reshaping this perception. It's beginning to solidify that Jesus might just resemble a Palestinian.
What if the "2nd Coming of Christ" isn't a solitary return, but a reemergence in his "final form" — a timeless message of pure Love?
Let's not take sides; after all, I count great friends from all walks. The devastating impact of war, especially on the vulnerable, is clear. Witnessing lifeless children day after day fuels a call for change.
Global leaders, spiritual guides, and, yes, even social media influencers, bear a shared responsibility to craft solutions. Continue entertaining, promoting, but also wield your influence to spark meaningful conversations. Let's find creative ways to shield innocent civilians, particularly mothers and children, from harm's way. #thetiethatbinds #palestine #christianity
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