July 27, 2013 11 Comments
July 27, 2013
Do not stress my Brother. I agree with Adam completely. Remember we are obligated to each other and it goes both ways!
July 27, 2013
Brother Gomez,
I offer my thoughts, prayers and best wishes. I admire your work, devotion and priorities. First things are first. I look forward to you emerging from this storm stronger and to the bright future of Fraternal Ties.
S&F, Wor. Bro. Thomas Pierce
July 27, 2013
My Brother!, don’t despair! No storm lasts forever, and they all pass regardless of their ferocity!.. So to will this one. Remember, you have so many Bretheren to help you bear whatever burden that is weighing heavily on your shoulders! I am a proud owner of 2 of your ties and have worn them on some very special occasions! And whenever this storm passes ( and it will) I will be here waiting for your next magnificent creation. God bless you my brother!!
Bro. Dean Burzese
July 27, 2013
Bro. John
Do what you must. Maintain yourself and your family’s needs first.
Thanks for sharing what you can and don’t forget to open up your tool box.
There may be a couple on the bottom that haven’t been used in awhile and may be the right tool for the week.
Your friend and Fraternal Brother,
Sean Hanney
Fellowship Lodge
Bridgewater, Massachusetts
July 27, 2013
Quality takes time. In this age of fast food, we often expect everything to come quickly.
My brother, you have our respect and support. Just keep communicating & all will be fine!
July 27, 2013
My Brother, your words are heartfelt. Being a proud owner of several of your ties and having exchanges emails with you I can only say thank you. Few of us are lucky enough to touch so many people with our work. You art that you create and give to us is beyond impressive. I used one at my Lodge’s Installation cake. And yes, the quality of your work resonates in each tie you create. I hope you clear your hurdles and everything is well with your family. Trust in God and keep your head up bro.
Bro Cabral
Berwyn Lodge 839
July 27, 2013
Good thoughts sent your way brother! We will be here when your back.
July 27, 2013
I am send positive energy your way and praying things work out for you and yours very shortly
July 27, 2013
I jusr wanted to take a moment to say that I, for one, fully understand. Should I want to buy a tie or send you a message there is nothing so urgent that I need for you to jump to a response. We, as a society, tend to forget the term “delayed gratification”. We are spoiled by immediate resposes in all things these days and forget about people. Don’t worry about the complainers. Focus in what is best for you and your family and your life balance brother.
Bro. Kelly Feldcamp
Bro. Perez
July 20, 2014
Greetings Brother JPG,
I know this is a late post but I hope you have made it out of your storm and are back on the positive side.
I must say I admire the way you handle business. I am the founder of an online Masonic store and while I do must of the work behind the scenes myself I can totally understand where you are coming from with this post.
Once again I hope all has started to smooth out and you’re back to stepping on the white tiles.
Fraternal regards,
Bro. Miguel A. Perez