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November 30, 2011
FraternalTies would like to congratulate the Brothers from Harmonie Lodge No. 699, Amherst, New York on being added to Academia Lodge No. 847's list of "Traditional Lodges". Exemplary craftsmanship, dear Brothers! We hope to follow your lead.http://academialodge.org/
November 30, 2011 1 Comment
This is a replica of the George Washington Inaugural Bible given to me by Bro. George Filippidis the 250th Master of St. John's Lodge No 1, AYM, F&AM in the Grand Lodge Of The State Of New York. It is the Bible that Bro. George Washington (and several other U.S. Presidents) took his Presidential oath on. It is now under the custody of St. John's Lodge No.1. Thank you Bro. Filippidis for this wonderful gift.
November 26, 2011 3 Comments
Two days ago, Brother Sebastian Maceac from my mother lodge Doric No. 316 asked me to design a Masonic inspired tattoo for him. My original idea was to make something that is based on the Flower of Life and keep it really simple. But as I was designing and selecting my images, I found myself looking within and meditating about my own life. Images and abstract ideas began swirling in my head and I couldn't help but to use a lot of them and express them through this artwork. Some people find it a little busy so I encourage you to look at it as a whole and not to over-analyze it. Simply select your display resolution below and download (the large view and download icons are on the upper right hand of the preview box below- it will show up when you hover your mouse cursor over the box). Enjoy!
John Paul Gomez
AD: Get a FREE Masonic necktie (Checkered floor slim tie - $22 value), 10% discount and FREE shipping when you use discount code THANKSGIVING at http://www.fraternalties.com/ ***UPDATE: THIS PROMO IS NO LONGER ACTIVE***
November 11, 2011
These photos were taken on September 2011 Installation of Officers. Location: Doric Lodge No. 316, Thornhill, Canada. Browse at your own risk!
Temple Wizard W.Bro. Roy Gomes shows the Brethren how to grill a chicken THE RIGHT WAY.
Bro. Stefano Amelio receiving the secrets...
The Most Interesting Freemason in the world, Bro. Chris Branco.
Newly elect WM Raoul Gomes with the sacrificial chicken.
Bro. S.M. with Justin Bieber.
All kidding aside, we all had a very wonderful, though provoking, inspiring, challenging and most of all- FUN night! Thank you to everyone who have attended the Doric Lodge No. 316 Installation of Officers. Congratulations to newly elected WM Raoul Gomes and to the elected and appointed officers. Good times ahead!
Sorry... Can't resist. This is just too good to pass up. This is the last one I promise.
November 09, 2011
Last night, Doric Lodge No. 316 A.F.&A.M. initiated two fine gentlemen (1 rockstar + 1 weapons analyst = 100% pure awesomeness) into the mysteries of our Craft. Some of our regular officers couldn't make it so we're very happy that our thrice-awesome visitors from Mosaic Lodge and Heritage Lodge didn't mind when they were asked to fill in the chairs. I think it was past 10:30PM when we finally closed the lodge. All were spiritually full but physically starved- dinner at the hall never tasted so good! Then we finished the night with a lively (and sometimes loud- the beginnings of a new Doric tradition) conversation by the parking lot headed by our resident Talk-Meisters Bro. Sebastian Mac and Bro. Stefano S. Amelio . Congratulations to our newly initiated Brother Mathias A. Devereaux and Brother Hetal Kara (please forgive me if I misspelled your name- it was Seb's fault). Remember, Doric Lodge today, tomorrow the world! *evil laugh*
November 07, 2011
King Camp Gillette, businessman, inventor, Freemason. A gentleman no longer have to fear his throat accidentally cut accross due to improper use of a cut-throat razor, thanks to his invention- the safety razor.
November 07, 2011
What makes you a Mason?
Dr. José Rizal. National hero, polymath, Freemason. The Church promised him safety and longer life if he retracts his Masonic beliefs and return to the catholic fold. He never retracted. Moments before his execution by a squad of Filipino soldiers of the Spanish Army, a backup force of regular Spanish Army troops stood ready to shoot the executioners should they fail to obey orders. The Spanish Army Surgeon General requested to take his pulse: it was normal. Aware of this the Sergeant commanding the backup force hushed his men to silence when they began raising "vivas" with the highly partisan crowd of Peninsular and Mestizo Spaniards. His last words were those of Jesus Christ: "consummatum est",--it is finished.
October 21, 2011 1 Comment
September 27, 2011 18 Comments
Here are some of the interesting Masonic working tools and stuff that we saw during our last visit to Black Creek Pioneer Village Masonic Lodge. Enjoy!
Masonic Charter
The Three Great Lights of Masonry
Masonic Clock
My son Jachin (green shirt) and a friend (both of them a Lewis) listening to a demonstration of the lewis tool (St. Peter's keys)
A balot box
A Masonic outdoor lantern
Working tools
Not exactly sure what this is but it looks like a heater.
Click here to know more about the Black Creek Pioneer Village Masonic Lodge.
September 25, 2011 1 Comment