EXTEND CHRISTMAS FREE SHIPPING! Enjoy free shipping on all retail orders this month!
January 08, 2012 1 Comment
I was casually browsing youtube when I stumbled upon this awesome TV ad. It's tempting to write a winding prose about why I think it is Masonic but I'll just let you see for yourself. :-)
January 07, 2012 1 Comment
It's 4am in the morning here in Toronto, Canada. The temperature outside is a comfortable 4°C (39.2 °F). I just finished laying the foundation of my newest website which I'll be keeping a secret for now (hint: also Masonic related). I wanted to keep on going but a nagging technical problem says that I must stop. And so I was about to hit the haystack when I thought that I'd just casually browse reddit (which is such a big mistake because this). And that's when I came across this thread with a very alluring title "What is the most mind blowing documentary you wish everyone would watch?" In it is a link to a documentary called The Pyramid Code. Now let me tell you that I love documentaries - most especially documentaries about Egypt. I thought I've seen them all! But 5 minutes into The Pyramid Code and I'm instantly hooked! I mean how many of you have heard of Abu Rowash? Okay, some of you may have heard of it before, especially if you're familiar with the work of Christopher Dunn- but trust me, you've never seen it this up-close and personal. Looks like I'm staying up late again. Damn you reddit!!!
Anyway, here's part 1:
January 06, 2012 7 Comments
Now there's this new video of Bro. Shaquille O'Neal making the rounds in youtube, facebook and twitter. It was a clip from NBA TV and in it was Shaq proudly wearing his (gigantic) Masonic "bling".
I have not seen the entire show but the particular clip started with them busting Bro. Shaq's balls. One remarked how he can't concentrate on the topic because of all the "bling" in Bro. Shaq's ring finger. Another one wondered "what's going on there?" to which Bro. O'Neal's dry and most elegant answer was "It's the ring of my profession... you don't know nothing about my profession."
Bro. Shaq's Masonic ring is a signet type the size of a super bowl championship ring. It bears the Square and Compass with the letter /G\ (which stands for God or Geometry) in the centre. Around it are the words "Prince Hall Master Mason". The symbols and words are set on blue enamel- blue being the favourite colour of all Masons (if you know one, ask them why- they may have to kill you for your spleen afterwards though). The ring appears to be encrusted with diamonds set on solid platinum or white gold. It was a ring to behold.
The conspiracy theorists don't have much to say about the video but it did ruffle the feathers of some Freemasons. A few days have passed since the video was posted and several Masons in Facebook are still debating about the proper way of wearing (or not wearing) a Masonic jewelry. Some have questioned the practice of making a Mason at sight; while some have indicated that though it was initially reported that Bro. O'Neil was first made a Mason at sight, he eventually took his obligations and went through all the degrees.
Another seemingly unavoidable topic that leaves a bad taste in one's mouth is the topic of PHA recognition. A few vocal minority in a particular facebook discussion thread was quick to point this out. But one comment stood out like a perfect ashlar right out of the quarry. It got the most likes.
One youtube user said "He might as well be a mason. He has shot enough bricks to build an apartment building." obviously referring to Bro. Shaq's free throw record. Another youtube user who calls himself JWadGallery commented "turn that ring upside down shaq...u aint giving off light yet...haha." The unitiated may find this particular comment peculiar but some Masons attach subtle allegories on how a Masonic ring is worn: If the points of the compass are pointing out (away from the wrist / body), the wearer is a Master or Past Master as his duties require him to be behind the altar; if the points of the compass are pointing in (towards the wrist / body), to remind himself of his obligations. So is it really important how Masonic rings should be worn? I guess it depends on what resonates with the wearer. To quote Bro. Ed King "How the ring is worn is not nearly as important as what it means to the wearer. A Mason should wear his ring should with pleasure to himself and honor to the fraternity!"
Watch the video clip below:
UPDATE: Better quality audio here http://youtu.be/x7qoxchAgw4
December 27, 2011
If anyone says, "I love God," yet hates his brother, he is a liar. For anyone who does not love his brother, whom he has seen, cannot love God, whom he has not seen.
~St. John the Evangelist
Happy St. John the Evangelist day to all the Freemasons of the world!
December 24, 2011
Beautiful Christmas tree... While everything seems to go to sleep during winter, here we have it in its full glory. Isn't it interesting how the ancients have always considered the evergreen a symbol of immortality? :-)
Merry Christmas my dear Brethren! May the spirit of Christmas and the lessons of our Craft live forever in our Hearts!
John Paul Gomez
Doric Lodge No. 316
A Mason's Christmas
"I don't believe in a Christmas celebration by the lodge. I don't think we ought to have one, or be asked to contribute to one or in any way engage in Christmas festivities."
"The Junior Mason spoke emphatically and with marked disapproval of the little ante-room group nearby, making happy plans for Yule-tide.
"That's very interesting," commented the Old Past Master. I like to hear points of view unfamiliar to me. Would you mind telling me why?"
"Of course not. It's very simple. Masonry is not Christian. King Solomon, of course, wasn't a Christian, nor were either of the Hiram's. Masonry admits to her ranks any good man of faith; Christian, Jewish, Mohammedan, Buddhist... it makes no difference, so he has a Faith. Then, as a lodge, we celebrate a holiday belonging to one faith. Now I personally am a Christian, and of course I celebrate Christmas. But my brother across the way is a Jew, who does not recognize Christianity. To ask him to spend his proportion of lodge funds in celebrating the birth of a Leader in Whom he does not believe would be exactly like asking me to celebrate, with my proportion of lodge money, the birth of Confucius. Of course, I have only one vote and the majority rules, but when it comes to personal contributions to a Masonic Christmas celebration, my hands will never come out of my pockets."
He shoved them deeper in as he spoke to emphasize his intention not to spend.
"Hum!" answered the Old Past Master. "So you think your Jewish brother across the way doesn't recognize Christianity? Don't you mean he doesn't recognize Christ as the Son of God? Wait a minute... Oh, Brother Samuels." The Old Past Master called across the ante-room. "Here a minute, will you?"
The Jewish brother rose and came forward.
"I just wanted to ask you if you are in favor or against the lodge Christmas celebration?" asked the Old Past Master.
"Me? I am in favor of it, of course, both for the lodge appropriation and the individual contribution."
"Thank you," nodded the Old Past Master. Then as the Jewish brother went back to his seat, he turned to the Junior Mason.
"You see, my son, our Jewish friend is not narrow. He does not believe in Christ as the Redeemer, but he recognizes that he lives in a country largely Christian, and belongs to a lodge largely Christian. To him the Christmas celebration is not one of His birthday, but of the spirit of joyousness and love which we mean when we sing, at Christmas time 'Peace on earth, good will towards men!' If you argue that 'peace' is only a Christian word, he might even quote to you the words of One who said 'I bring you not Peace, but a Sword.'
"Now let me explain something to you. The Jew has just as much right to refuse to recognize Christ as the Son of God, as you have to refuse to consider Mohammed the Prophet the followers of Allah say he is. But as an educated man, you must know that Mohammed was a good man, a devout leader, a wise teacher. As an educated man, you admit that the religion founded by Buddha has much in it that is good, and you admit that Confucius was a wise and just leader. Were you in the land where the birthdays of any of these were celebrated, would you refuse your part in the people's joy in their Leader, simply because you followed another? I trust not. Well, neither do our Jewish brethren or our Mohammedan brethren, desire to be left out of our celebration. They may not believe in the Divinity of Him we, as Christians, follow, but if they are good men and good Masons... they are perfectly willing to admit that the religion we follow is as good for us as theirs is for them, and to join with us in celebrating the day which is to us the glad day of all the year.
"Believe me, boy, Christmas doesn't mean Christ's birthday to many a man who calls himself Christian. It is not because of joy the He was born that many a good man celebrates Christmas. It is because his neighbor celebrates it, because it is a time of joy for little ones, because it is a day when he can express his thanks to his God that he is allowed to have a wife and family and children and friends and a lodge, because of that very 'peace on earth' spirit which is no more the property of the Gentile than the Jew, the Chinese or the Mohammedan.
"It is such a spirit that Masons join, all, in celebrating Christmas. It is on the Masonic side of the tree we dance, not the Christian side. When this lodge erects its Christmas tree in the basement and throws it open to the little ones of the poor of this town, you will find children of all kinds there; black, white, yellow, and brown, Jew and Gentile, Christian and Mohammedan. And you will find a Jew at the door, and among the biggest subscriptions will be those from some Jewish brethren, and there is a Jew who rents cars for a living who will supply us a dozen free to take baskets to those who cannot come. And when the Jewish Orphan Asylum has its fair, in the Spring, you will find many a Christian Mason attending to spend his money and help along the cause dear to his Jewish brethren, never remembering that they are of a different faith. That, my son, is Masonry."
"For Charity is neither Christian nor Jewish, nor Chinese nor Buddhistic. And celebrations which create joy in little hearts and feed the hungry and make the poor think that Masons do not forget the lessons in lodge, are not Christian alone, though they be held at Christmas, and are not for Christians alone, though the celebration be in His honor. Recall the ritual: 'By the exercise of brotherly love we are taught to regard the whole human species as one family, the high and low, the rich and poor, who, as created by one Almighty Parent, and inhabitants of the same planet, are to aid, support and protect each other'.
"It is with this thought that we, as Masons, celebrate Christmas, to bring joy to our brethren and their little ones, and truly observe the brotherhood of man and the Fatherhood of God, whether we be Jew or Gentile, Mohammedan or Buddhist." The Old Past Master ceased and stood musing, his old eyes looking back along a long line of lodge Christmas trees about which eager little faces danced. Then he turned to the Junior Mason.
"Well," he said smiling, "Do you understand?"
"I thank you for my Christmas present," came the answer. "Please tell me to which brother I should make my Christmas contribution?"
~ Bro. Carl H. Claudy
December 21, 2011
Bro. Colbert G. Rabaya of Macajalar Lodge No. 184, Cagayan de Oro City under the jurisdition of the MW Grand Lodge of the Philippines, is reaching out to Freemasons from all over the world to help out our Brothers in the Philippines who are currently in great distress. I have no ready money at hand to donate but I have pledged to donate 50% of my sales (from Dec 20-26) from my online store www.fraternalties.com
You don't need to buy from my shop to help. I am well aware that the shopping for gifts season is over and most of us are now broke. If you can help out in anyway, let me know and I'll connect you with Bro. Rabaya.
December 12, 2011
December 08, 2011
Infinity is a concept that have long tormented the great minds- from Pythagoras to today's scientists and mathematicians. See if you can wrap your head around this one.
December 06, 2011
This is one of the most technically challenging digital artwork I've done in a while. It is based on the sacred geometry symbol called "The Flower of Life". To those not familiar with what this so called "Flower of Life" is, wikipedia is a good place to start. I hope that you will find it interesting. This artwork is dedicated first and foremost to my wife and kids and the rest of my family (I love all of you), to my dear Brothers at Doric Lodge No. 316, to all the Freemasons, and to my friends. Meditate on it and watch it bloom. S&F
November 30, 2011
Happy 176th birthday to the great author and father of American literature Bro. Samuel Langhorne Clemens a.k.a. Mark Twain of Polar Star Lodge No. 79 A.F.&A.M., St. Louis, Missouri.